G5™ works by coagulating the plasma proteins contained within the dentinal tubule fluid. This coagulation forms an initial “plug”, eliminating the movement of fluid within the tubules—the root cause of dentinal sensitivity.
G5 All-Purpose Desensitizer
- Description
- Clinical Techniques
- Resources
- Instructions For Use / SDS
- Product Configurations
- Testimonials
- Aqueous, 5% glutaraldehyde-based desensitizer with 35% HEMA
- Eliminates post-operative sensitivity in posterior composite restorations
- Glutaraldehyde with HEMA shows profound in-vivo antibacterial effect that seems to prevent bacterial growth in tooth/restoration interface
- Eradicates sensitivity under temporary crowns and bridges
- Desensitizes roots
- Does not adversely affect the bond strengths of resin cement to dentin
- Not recommended for use with self-etching adhesives
- Eye protection and rubber dam isolation are ESSENTIAL for use with this product
Clinical Techniques
MPa MAX and G5 Clinical Technique
Dentistry and photography courtesy of Dr. Robert Margeas
After caries removal and placement of the matrix band and wedge, thoroughly clean and dry the preparation.
Liberally apply Max-Etch H₃PO₄ to the preparation and etch for 20 seconds.
Rinse the Max-Etch for a minimum of 5 seconds then scrub G5 All-Purpose Desensitizer onto the preparation for 10 seconds, blotting any excess. Leave the surface visibly moist.
Apply the MPa Max adhesive (ensuring each adhesive wall is coated) and gently scrub for 10 seconds. Thin and air dry using 1/4 to 1/2 air pressure to evaporate the solvent, for 10 seconds. The preparation should appear shiny with no pooling.
Light-cure for 10 seconds using a standard light with an output >600 mW/cm2 or 20 seconds if the output is <600 mW.cm2.
Proceed with placement and light-curing of the composite. A bulk-fill composite was used in this case.
Use an A.S.A.P. Pre-Polisher to remove surface scratches.
Apply light pressure using the A.S.A.P. Final High Shine Polisher to quickly bring an esthetic luster to the restoration. 20 seconds should do it!
The final restoration: A combination of life-like esthetics and a strong, enduring dentin/enamel bond.
G5’s glutaraldehyde-based formulation has been proven to help obturate dentin tubules by coagulating plasma.
Instructions For Use / SDS
Click here to view the G5 All-Purpose Desensitizer Instructions for Use / SDS.
Product Configurations
- 5mL bottle
- 10mL bottle
G5 is a time and research proven desensitizer that works to prevent post-op sensitivity when placed under virtually any type of dental restoration.