Temptation Now

Temptation Now

Temptation® Now is a bisacryl temporary composite with a high modulus of elasticity to prevent premature fracture with your most frequent procedures: single crowns and three unit bridges.


  • Cuts your overall temporization procedure in half
  • Initial cure time (mouth removal time) of just 45 seconds to 1 minute, and a complete cure time of just 4:30 minutes
  • Offers superior hardness that is instantly noticed
  • Available in shades A1, A2, and A3

Clinical Technique

Template is loaded into the TempTray.

TempTray and Template are seated intraorally (30 seconds)

An accurate and detailed matrix is created. Notice the sharp interproximal detail.

TEMPTATION NOW Temporary Crown & Bridge Composite is loaded into TEMPLATE matrix and reseated in the patient’s mouth.

A strong, esthetic provisional crown with ideal marginal adaptation requiring minimal finishing.

Dentistry and photography courtesy of Dr. Frank Milnar

Instructions For Use / SDS

Click here to view the Temptation Now Instructions for Use / SDS.

Product Configurations


  • 1 x 8g handheld syringe with instructions/SDS, mixing tips
  • 1 x 76g cartridge with instructions/SDS, mixing tips


  • 1 x 8g handheld syringe with instructions/SDS, mixing tips
  • 1 x 76g cartridge with instructions/SDS, mixing tips


  • 1 x 8g handheld syringe with instructions/SDS, mixing tips
  • 1 x 76g cartridge with instructions/SDS, mixing tips

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